Agar siswa dapat mempersiapkan diri saat ujian nanti khususnya untuk menghadapi ujian nasional sd 2017, maka sebaiknya orang tua hendaknya berusaha untuk membantu dalam hal menyediakan fasilitas untuk anak-anaknya ketika saat hendak melaksanakan ujian nasional sd 2017. Tentu saja agar dapat menghadapi dan memotivasi anak agar dapat memperoleh nilai yang bagus pada saat ujian nasional sd 2017, maka fasilitas tersebut salah satunya dengan memberikan buku-buku yang berupa contoh soal latihan atau merupakan kisi-kisi ujian nasional SD 2017 tentunya. Nah, bagi orang tua tidak salah jika anda mencoba memberikan contoh-contoh soal ujian nasional sd 2017 dalam blog ini.

I. Choose the correct answer by crossing (x) a, b, c or d!

Text for number 1 - 5!
On Sunday morning Anton doesn’t go to school. He goes to the mall with her sister. At the mall they see a lot of interesting things. Anton wants to buy a new shoes. He tries some shoes before he chooses one beautiful shoes. They are so tired. So they decide to buy some drinks because they feel thirsty. The mall is very crowded.

1. What is the title of the text above?
a. going to the zoo
b. going to the market c. going to the mall
d. going to the restaurant

2. When does the writer goes to the mall?
a. on Saturday morning
b. on Sunday morning c. on Monday morning
d. on Tuesday morning

3. What do they want to buy?
a. they want to buy a now shoes
b. they want to buy a new sock c. they want to buy a new bagpack
d. they want to buy a new Shirt

4. How is situation at the mall?
a. very noisy
b. very crowded c. very happily
d. very silently

5. Does Nuri goes to the mall with her sister?
a. Yes, she is
b. Yes, she does c. No, she isn’t
d. No, she doesn’t

6. Desy : . . . you please lend me that calculator?
Tino : sorry, I am using it.
a. Would
b. May c. Want
d. Thank you

7. Mother gives Nina example to wash the plate. The correct giving example expression is. . . .
a. How to wash the plate?
b. May I was the plate? c. Was the plate. It is like this
d. Can you was the plate

8. Usually – zoo – Andi – to – goes – the – holiday – on
The correct sentence is. . . .
a. Andi usually goes to the zoo holiday
b. Holiday Andi usually on the zoo
c. Usually Andi goes to on the zoo holiday
d. Andi usually to goes holiday on the zoo

9. If you want to make orange juice, you have to mix . . . in the blender.. . . .
a. water, orange, sugar
b. water, orange, salt c. water, orange, salt, sugar
d. orange, salt, sugar

10. I think the . . . . is so delicious.
a. Chili
b. Meatball c. Coffee
d. Candy